2021 Wellness Business Trends

The wellness space and your place as a wellness entrepreneur has never been so important.

2020 not only saw a global health crisis but a mental and emotional one too - demonstrating vividly how important it is to get the tools of the wellness world into the hands and homes of every single person on the planet.

With these changes has come a total 360 overhaul of how business operates and how wellness practices are delivered and I believe this is just the beginning.

In today's Wellness Entrepreneur Podcast  episode I share my 2021 wellness business predictions that are set to drive the trajectory of growth in this industry which includes

-How the perception of wellness has changed in society and what that means for consumer behaviour

-Why niching and finding your specialism is more important than ever 

-How purchasing decisions have changed and what clients are really looking for before they decide to invest in your work

-How to maximise on the virtual wellness trend whilst also maximising on the need for real, meaningful connections

-The huge role practitioners who work with children and young people will play in the 2021 wellness space

The reality of the future for in-person services and events/retreats

This is the time to step up, be seen and lead from the front. I don’t believe there has ever been a time like this for wellness entrepreneurs and for those that are ready for the challenge - I think the next 12 months could shape the future of your business and the industry forever.

Are you ready? Tune in here.


JOING THE COLLECTIVE HERE - https://www.kirstykianifard.com/collective



9 Success Secrets For Mums In Business - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/9-success-secrets-for-mums-in-business/id1455716065?i=1000485178436

How To Market Yourself With Confidence and Ease - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/how-to-market-yourself-with-confidence-and-ease/id1455716065?i=1000468184241


Say hi to Kirsty Kianifard on social:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kirstykianifard/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/KirstyKianifard

Instagram: http://instagram.com/kirstykianifard


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