Have you ever had THE BEST idea, started researching and then lost all faith in it because you found someone or some people doing something similar? Has this ever been the reason you went back to the drawing board and started over?
What about if you're already knee deep in business and hear that someone else has entered the scene? Do you feel threatened? Scared they'll take all your customers? How about angry that they had the audacity to encroach on your territory?
STOP SCROLLING RIGHT NOW! Quit your multi-tasking, and come back to me because I have something extremely important to tell you that could change the destiny of your business and your life, FOREVER.
What if I told you that thinking all these things was a GOOD thing? What if you could actually use this to your advantage - to strengthen your brand, hone in on your business superpowers and create more impact.
Don't believe me? Then you have got to listen to this weeks Wellness Entrepreneur Podcast episode where we talk about falling in love with your competition.
Here is what we cover in today's episode:
Are you ready to ditch the excuses that your dream business idea has already been done? Are you ready to stand up for your mission and the customers who need the gifts you have to offer? Comparison can be a very easy place to hide out and continue to play a smaller game than you KNOW you can play, take action now towards that dream life. Let's do this. Click here to listen now.
If you have an idea but aren't sure if its your true calling, then I have something extra special for you. My 2-part Define Your Dharma process has the ingredients to tune into your higher purpose and get clarity about where you can be of best service in the world. It's totally free and includes a deeply enriching meditation, click here to get access now.
Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you're not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don't want you to miss an episode. I'm adding lots of exclusive content to the podcast and if you're not subscribed there's a good chance you'll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes
Now if you're feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they're also amazing for me to read. Just click here to review, select 'Ratings and Reviews' and 'Write Review' and let me know what your biggest take away was from the podcast. Thank you!
I LOVE hearing from my clients on the podcast and it was an abolsutely pleasure to work with Sonia. This is a perfect example of two salon owners working together and supporting each others growth! Girl power all the way
> Ep04 Find Your Business Superpower
> Ep03 How To Build An Engaged Audience
> Ep02 Master The Energy Of Your Life And Business
If you are ready to take the next step in your business and embrace your unique business superpowers so you never fear the competition again, book you free consultation with Kirsty here.
50% Complete
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