We've all dabbled with rituals and routines, right? But how many of us can really say we keep to a daily practice that fuels our alignment and allows us to tap into conscious leadership?
In today's Wellness Entrepreneur Podcast we meet Lou Ord, a wild and luxe florist who believes her commitment to 'the work' has created huge success in her business and life.
Lou shares with us why navigating her life from a place of joy has become her default and exactly how she ensures she is always moving forward in the direction of her highest purpose. ⠀
Here's a sneak peak at today's episode:
👉 Thanks to platforms like Instagram we have so much access to the 'perfect' gram worthy morning rituals but why don't they all work, and how do we find our own unique practice?
👉 Can ritual play a big part in the success of your business and help you make choices that will accelerate business growth, rather than distract from your big mission?
👉 Have you got too stuck in the processes and systems of your business and forgotten what called you to your particular practice?
Lou and I discuss all of this and more, with loads of tips you can implement today to start plugging yourself back in to what fuels your soul and ultimately drives your business.
Are you ready to dive into all of this and more? Full episode available now, click here to listen.
If you have no idea where to start with creating rituals that fuel your life and business, getting clear on your purpose and Dharma is exactly what you need to get started. My 2-part Define Your Dharma process has the ingredients to tune into your higher purpose and get clarity about where you can be of best service in the world. It's totally free and includes a deeply enriching meditation, click here to get access now.
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Ep18 Define Your Niche and Ditch Burnout - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast...
Ep17 How To Build Your Business With Your Value - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast...
If you are ready to gain clarity on who it is you serve and position yourself as the go to guide for your niche, book you free consultation with Kirsty here.
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