How To Build Your Brand Story with Ife Thomas

What does it mean to know your ‘why’? How do you find it and why is it so important to your journey as an entrepreneur?

Building the business of your dreams is an uphill battle, and when your motivation disappears that’s when your reason for everything helps you push through.

That reason is the core of your brand story. And creating this brand story with flair can help you win the confidence of clients and power through the darkest times in your own journey.

In this episode of the Wellness Entrepreneur Podcast, I talk to Ife Thomas - coach and creator of brand stories for businesses - and we discuss the many ways in which storytelling has helped her achieve every goal she set for herself.

In this episode we explore:

- How having no spatial awareness and little flexibility didn’t stop Ife from becoming a professional dancer

- Why lacking natural talent can’t stop you from being brilliant at what you love

- How the law of incremental improvement helped Ife 10x her income in 5 y...

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