Expand Your Energetic Bandwidth with Zoe Swan

Are you able to utilise your own wellness toolkit for yourself? Have you considered ways to fully integrate wellness into all aspects of your life?

Wellness can often be seen as something separate and not integrated within workspaces or even life more generally. We have wellness moments but it is not embedded culturally as something that can support us to grow our capacity to energetically deal with the stress of life. 

In this episode of The Wellness Entrepreneur Podcast we speak with Zoe Swan about just this and we explore how the act of committing to embedding a wellness practice can have such a positive impact. Zoe shares with us how we can use self awareness to unlock the ongoing issues of chronic low level stress that so many of us experience, sometimes unknowingly. 

Listen to the full episode, where we discuss:

  • Zoe’s journey from corporate law and lecturer to Kundalini yoga instructor
  • What Kundalini yoga is and how it can benefit you
  • The issues within the...
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The Gateway From Lawyer To Kundalini Yoga Teacher With Zoe Swan

Many of us come into the wellness space from an unexpected starting point searching for that one thing we need to be clear on - who we want to serve.

When we first enter, often the biggest conflict is refining that niche and figuring out what we have to offer and why we are the right person to offer it.

If you’re a multi-passionate practitioner, this might feel like a very confusing time. But so long as you are curious and open-minded about different practices in this space, you will eventually land on the perfect way to help your clients.  

In this episode of The Wellness Entrepreneur Podcast, I speak to Zoe Swan, a Kundalini Yoga teacher and Wellness Consultant, who started her career as a lawyer but found herself gravitating towards wellness while looking for strategies to survive the legal & academic world. 

Zoe’s path to entrepreneurship was not an obvious one, but she never gave up. To understand how she built her business as the founder of The...

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