Why Playing Small Is the Riskiest Choice Of All

Starting a business is often said to be the biggest risk a person can take.

We fear this failure more because we have to fight so hard to start. We have to convince our family, our friends, but most importantly, ourselves that we can be successful.

And once we start, there are new risks at every corner.

But there’s something that I have realised in my twelve years of running several businesses - we have long misunderstood what true risk is.

Truth is - NOT starting my business at 23 would have been the greatest risk for me.

Turning away from a path that has led me to where I am now and never having given this version of me a shot, would have been the riskiest choice of all.

In this episode of The Wellness Entrepreneur Podcast, I want to talk about taking risks and how to overcome what is stopping you.

We start by identifying what is a real risk to you, and which choices you can happily leave behind.

Jump inside and I will guide you through your personal risk-assessment:


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