The wellness world has been embraced widely in the last two years, as (finally!) more people have felt the need to holistically care for themselves and those around them.
As a result our clients and potential clients are better informed and more ready and willing then ever to invest in themselves.
Even the corporate world has understood the importance of providing access to wellness for their employees.
We’ve seen our industry shift online out of necessity but so many are now reaping the rewards of this as we’re reaching people we never expected to before.
All of this means that the wellness industry has changed in a way none of us could have predicted pre apocalypse. And as we start a new year, it’s important we understand how to adapt to these shifts and serve our customers in a way that helps them best.
So, in this episode of The Wellness Entrepreneur Podcast, I bring you the top 10 trends that will inform our wellness business decisions in...
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