Ready To Attract More Clients & Make More Sales In Your Wellness Business?

Join The Wellness Entrepreneur Collective to get out of overwhelm and finally start scaling a profitable, purpose-driven business - with an inspired network of like-minded entrepreneurs to cheer you on!


You’re an ambitious wellness entrepreneur with no shortage of vision who’s tired of the struggle and ready to impact infinitely more lives, make a whole lot more money and create a business (and life) you love. 

But you’re still a far cry from the freedom-based, entrepreneurial dream you had imagined - no booming bank balance, globe trotting or extra time with family & friends in sight.

You've journaled tons of ideas, explored logos, got excited about potential revenue streams and decided that now is your time to make this dream happen.

That is until you fall prey to those paralysing tech blocks (the experts always make it look so easy), lose endless hours to strategies that get you nowhere and eventually end up in a sleep deprived pit of overwhelm, self-doubt and major comparisonitis.

"I’ve seen huge leaps in my business growth, including ONE MILLION views on one reel!

When I joined The Collective I would say my business was more like an expensive hobby.

With the support of The Collective and Kirsty, I now earn more from my business (which I do part time) than my employment.

Joining The Collective was the best business decision and investment I’ve made. I am so excited for the future. I feel like I now know what steps I need to take scale my business and it’s now a real possibility that this can be my only income.

The support from The Collective is amazing, and Kirsty’s energy is awesome! It’s the most fun you can have building a business."

Jenny Edwards, Baby Reflux & Sleep Specialist

If the Wellness Industry is worth $5.6 trillion dollars (and growing), shouldn’t you be getting a slice of that?  

✔️ You’re ready to wave goodbye to the slog and struggle.

✔️ You’re ready to create a wildly profitable, impact-driven wellness business, but...


Even though the reasons to pursue your wellness business dreams are obvious, the path to doing it successfully is anything but.

Can I let you in on a little industry secret?

The wellness industry is one of the largest and quickest growing industries BUT it is not an evenly distributed one.

A few people take the lion's share, while the rest often move aside.

The main reason for this, as you have probably seen by now, is that...

while the barriers to entry are relatively LOW, the barriers towards SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION are fairly high.

But as long as you avoid the biggest failure spots that engulf most wellness entrepreneurs, the path is laid out for you and your profitable wellness business.

One that enables you to access more freedom, create more impact and amplify your income while scaling towards true longevity.

And whilst all of this is 100% available to you ... it does depend on your taking action TODAY. 

Which is why I’m so excited to share with you my secret weapon to accelerate your impact and up level your income, whilst blazing a trail for your clients and community.

But first, I think it’s time we were properly introduced...

Hey lovely, I’m Kirsty...

I absolutely cannot wait to support you to grow a profitable, purpose-driven wellness business.

Nowadays I'm often referred to as The Wellness Entrepreneur Queen but before the top-ranking podcast, multi-award winning businesses and six-figure revenue streams ... there was an overwhelmed and over-worked holistic therapist trying to please everyone and getting nowhere fast.

I’ve been where you are. I know all too well what it’s like to feel overwhelmed and confused by all the business building advice out there...

...but I also know how it feels to be at the helm of a thriving wellness business that’s serving clients by the thousands.

If you’re an ambitious wellness entrepreneur then you owe it to yourself and your clients to access ONLY the most effective business growth tools that will have you saving time, making more money, amplifying your impact and have you no longer competing for your audiences attention.

Sounds good? Then I cannot wait to introduce you to...


The Only High Value Membership For Wellness Entrepreneurs To Confidently Grow A Profitable Wellness Business

I've taken everything I've learned from building two multi-award winning, six-figure wellness businesses that have served over seven thousand clients and channelled it into creating a thriving membership that serves the exact, unique needs of the wellness entrepreneur so that you can do the same.


You'll have the tools and techniques to maximise your growth, but more importantly, you'll have a community of ambitious, freedom-seeking wellness entrepreneurs in your corner every step of the way. 

The end result: An incredibly profitable, long-term ASSET creating real change in the world and fuelling your ongoing entrepreneurial journey.

The Wellness Entrepreneur Collective's Purpose To Profit Pathway Will...


Made for wellness entrepreneurs by wellness entrepreneurs - no fluff, no cookie-cutter formulas and no soul destroying strategies that look enticing from the outside but do nothing but lead you straight into overwhelm.


To create a wealth of collaboration opportunities & position you as the confident and courageous go-to guide, standing you apart from the other creators in your field.


The Wellness Entrepreneur Collective bridges the gap between implementation and integration. Mindset upgrades alongside biz growth strategy upgrades will ensure you build your profitable wellness business with confidence and courage.


Here's what you'll get immediate access too when you join today...

Collective Community

Connect, collaborate and contribute to a like-minded community of wellness business owners. Tap into a collective growth mindset, where mutual support is the cornerstone of success.

Biz Growth Mentoring

Level up your wellness business with The Consistency Club - Bi-weekly live mentoring sessions with Kirsty. From elevating your marketing to expanding your client base, get ready to turn your vision into tangible growth.

Members Growth Hub

Unlock the full potential of your business - any place, any time - with our on-demand training library. Packed full of expert trainings,  practical templates, and exclusive resources, all designed to help boost your sales and attract more clients.  

Live Expert Trainings

These interactive sessions are a gateway to cutting-edge insights and practical skills, directly from leading experts in the field. Stay ahead of industry trends and get answers to those burning questions. Plus, get access to the expert training back catalogue, the second you join!


In-Person Meet Ups

Opportunities to bring our online community into real life. Our irl meet ups are your chance to strengthen connections and enrich our vibrant community. It's all about growing together and transforming online bonds into lasting, real-world relationships.

Top-Ranking Podcast Feature

Amplifying the voices of wellness professionals is our jam! Each month, we shine the spotlight on an outstanding community member with an entire episode of The Wellness Entrepreneur Podcast, dedicated to you and your business. Share your journey, highlight your successes, and gain exposure on a top-ranking platform.

Join Today And Gain Instant Access To 30+ Business Expanding Trainings Including...

  • How To Automate Your Business Like A Boss
  • How To Create A Top Ranking Podcast
  • How To Get Your Business Featured In The Media
  • Instagram Reels 101: 10X Your Reach 
  • How To Nail Your Niche & Ideal Client Community
  • The Energetics Of Attracting New Clients
  • How To Create A Highly Converting Content Plan

  • How To Create An Online Quiz Lead Magnet
  • How To Grow Your Audience On & Off Social Media
  • Mastering SEO In Your Business
  • How To Create A Highly Converting Live Stream
  • How To Create Instagram & Facebook Ads That Convert
  • How To Deal With Social Media Burnout
  • Goal Setting & Desire Weaving Workshop

  • How To Create A Seamless Client Journey
  • How To Create A Stella Sales Funnel
  • How To Create More Sales In Your Business
  • Kirsty’s 5 Step Signature Launch Strategy
  • How To Master Email Marketing
  • How To Price Your Products & Services
  • How To Create A Successful Membership 

Come and take a look behind The Collective scenes…


"I've accelerated my business growth way beyond my goals. I've created a top-ranking podcast and sold out my first online programme." Sarah Taylor, LGBTQ+ Inclusion Coach

Ready To Grow A Profitable, Impact-Driven Wellness Business With A Community Of Biz Besties Cheering You On?

Choose the pricing package that most aligns with the future vision of your wellness business...



Collective Community

Biz Growth Mentoring

Live Expert Trainings

Members Training Hub

In-Person Meet Ups

Podcast Feature Ops

Swipe Files & Templates





Collective Community

Biz Growth Mentoring

Live Expert Trainings

Members Training Hub

In-Person Meet Ups

Podcast Feature Ops

Swipe Files & Templates





Collective Community

Biz Growth Mentoring

Live Expert Trainings

Members Training Hub

In-Person Meet Ups

Podcast Feature Ops

Swipe Files & Templates





Monthly 75 minute 1:1 with Kirsty

Private WhatsApp Support

Collective Community

Biz Growth Mentoring

Live Expert Trainings

Members Training Hub

In-Person Meet Ups

Podcast Feature Ops

Swipe Files & Templates


"I've made my investment back numerous times over"

Sarah Taylor, Founder of Proud Wellness

The Wellness Entrepreneur Collective is PERFECT for you if…

  1. You're ready to show up for yourself and ask for support - you are done trying to figure it all out yourself. Let's face it, going it solo can be an exhausting and a slow path to success (I should know, my tendency to be a lone ranger had me stuck on this path for years until the penny finally dropped)
  2. You've been knee-deep in the business building trenches for months (or years) but haven't seen the traction you had hoped for... and the progress you have made has seen you massively undervaluing your services and struggling to find a healthy work / life blend.
  3. You want to be able to get your questions answered exactly when YOU need it. Coaching programmes and online courses are great, but what happens when they finish? Showing up for yourself and your business is about recognising the need for ongoing support and guidance to keep you in full momentum.
  4. You are looking for people who understand where you are at and can hold you in your highest vision.  Not everyone in your life is going to understand your drive, determination and passion. The people you surround yourself with have a direct impact on your future success. Choosing to be part of a collective of entrepreneurs on the rise, will not only accelerates your growth but will also eliminate that solopreneur loneliness.
  5. You believe consistency is QUEEN but struggle to maintain it. Accountability is the key to maintaining consistency and avoiding those constant stops and starts. Having a safe space you can show up and get regular accountability will change the game for your life and your business.
  6. You care about what's working in 2024 and beyond. You get skeptical when others start reeling off business building advice that may have worked for them back in 2022. That's why you value that The Wellness Entrepreneur Collective teaches you only how to use the most powerful, up-to-date strategies. 
  7. You want to bring the fun & joy back to business building. Life and business can get really serious! The Wellness Entrepreneur Collective helps plug you back in to what really matters and provides the banter and merriment necessary to keep you doing what you love.
  8. You are ready to go all in on your personal growth as much as your business growth and learn our unique alchemy of self mastery and aligned business strategy alongside our motivated and supportive members - expanding into your highest potential together.

Did you catch yourself nodding your head?


"I've gone from 30k to nearly 75k in the past year!

Seriously advise anyone sitting on the fence to just dive in, you will not regret investing in yourself and business, being part of this membership and has Kirsty as my coach has increased my sales 4 fold in the past year." 

Rebecca Hay, The Break Free Therapist

Have More Questions?

Questions our top students asked before enrolling in The Wellness Entrepreneur Collective

The Collective is an inclusive  & supportive community of ambitious, purpose-driven entrepreneurs at varying stages of their business journey.

The Collective is about community over competition - with an abundance of opportunities for all for collaboration and networking across the community.

The price point maybe low but the high-level support and strategies make the value supremely high.

Our definition of a wellness entrepreneur  is any entrepreneur that chooses to consciously contribute to the health, happiness & wellbeing of the planet (and those who inhabit it).

We've had everyone from a brand photographer who worked with conscious business leaders to a fashion academic interested in sustainability and alternative economies.

If that's you, then we would LOVE to welcome you into The Collective.

Absolutely! If you pay monthly you can cancel at anytime (although we'll be sad to see you go).

If you pay annually, you can cancel as soon as that year is up.

Of course! We are on a mission to create a movement of wellness warriors across the globe who are changing lives and leaving a lasting legacy on the planet. 

We are totally inclusive and would LOVE to welcome you into The Collective.

When you join The Wellness Entrepreneur Collective today, you'll get instant access to:

  • An Inspired Community Of Like-Minded Entrepreneurs To Cheer You On Every Step Of The Way
  • The Consistency Club - Bi-weekly Business Mentoring Sessions With Kirsty To Optimise Your Business Growth
  • Instant Access To 30+ Business Growth Trainings In Our On-Demand Library - Support Anytime, Anywhere
  • Live Expert Trainings To Stay Ahead Of Industry Trends And Get Answers To Those Burning Questions.
  • Opportunity To Be Featured As Our Member Of The Month With An Entire Episode On The Wellness Entrepreneur Podcast
  • Opportunity To Join In-Person Meet Ups To Bring Our Online Community Together IRL

I'm proud to say I hit my business financial target over a month earlier than scheduled!

Joining The Collective has been such a game changer for me!

The laser 1:1 coaching sessions with Kirsty really helped me streamline my ideas and focus on launching my podcast (something I had been putting off for many months). 

I have also benefited hugely from the Money Manifestation Challenge and I'm proud to say I hit my business financial target over a month earlier than scheduled!

The community is the real 'secret sauce' here! I have made new like minded entrepreneurial friends and the support is amazing, I have even had members sign up to my Facial Workshops in support of me. What an amazing group of women.

Carelle Rose, Pro Gua Sha Therapist

The Wellness Entrepreneur Collective is open to people of all genders; including trans, non-binary and gender diverse folks.

50% Complete

Two Step

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