Turn Your Wellness Expertise Into A Highly Profitable Online Course

 Wednesday 22 May @ 11am UK Time

Grab Your Spot Now!

In this 60 minute, value-packed masterclass, you'll learn:

How To Ensure Your Course Idea Is Actually Sellable

Ever worry about creating a course that nobody wants? Or wondered how on earth you can package your particular wellness modality into an online offering? I've got you! We'll dive into easy, effective ways to test your course idea and make sure there’s a hungry client base waiting to buy. 

How To Simplify Your Course Creation

Feel overwhelmed by the thought of creating a whole course? Don’t be! I’ll show you how to strip away the complexity and focus on what truly matters — impactful content that’s simple to put together. We’ll explore smart strategies to get your course up and running quickly, so you can spend more time doing what you love.

How To Make Sure They’ll Buy Before You Build

Wondering how to make sure it's worth investing all this effort in online course creation? I'm on it. I’ll be breaking down the secrets to crafting online courses that your audience can’t resist and share proven tactics to generate excitement and boost your sales. Meaning you get to work less, impact more and earn (very) well.


Revolutionise Your Wellness Business with Online Courses

Whether you’ve been stuck on the sidelines waiting for the ‘right time’ to go all in on your wellness business, OR you’ve been deep in the business building trenches for a while but are yet to see the life-changing results you’d hoped for - this can be the moment all that changes.

Feeling the limits of your current wellness business model? Struggling with burnout, overwhelmed with to-do's, and feeling underpaid for the extensive value you provide?

The wellness industry is experiencing unparalleled growth, opening doors for ambitious entrepreneurs like you. It's time to embrace the shift from a limiting one to one model to a dynamic one to many approach with an online course that grows your client base and multiplies your earnings.

What people are saying...

You Can’t Afford To Miss This Workshop If...

✔️ You’re passionate about expanding your wellness business and want to multiply your impact without increasing your workload.

✔️ You’re seeking clarity on how to reach more clients and dramatically boost your revenue through online courses.

✔️ You’re ready to elevate your business strategy, simplifying the day-to-day and maximising joy in your entrepreneurial journey.


A Personal Invitation From Kirsty...

I’ve been building wellness businesses my entire working life.

Nowadays I'm often referred to as The Wellness Entrepreneur Queen but before the top-ranking podcast, multi-award winning businesses and six-figure revenue streams ... there was an overwhelmed and over-worked holistic therapist trying to please everyone and getting nowhere fast.

Fast forward to now and I'm the secret weapon to hundreds of wellness entrepreneurs supporting them to grow a business and life they love.

The tools and insight I’m sharing in this brand new workshop have allowed me to grow my vision and mission year on year, and have enabled my clients to do the same.

If you’re committed to making 2024 the year you finally build the profitable and impactful wellness business the world so badly needs right now, then I can’t wait to help fast-track your growth.

See You There!


I guarantee this workshop alone will help you think differently, gain fresh perspectives and teach you tried and tested strategies with proven results. 

That's right this isn't one of those workshops that only reveals half of the goods before you're lured into buying something to access the rest. Whether we work together in the future or not - this workshop will ignite stratospheric growth in your wellness business in 2024 and beyond!